2024 Summer Conference and Reverse Vendor Trade Show

The Board of Directors invites you to the 2024 Summer Conference of the Rocky Mountain Governmental Purchasing Association (RMGPA). This educational and networking opportunity will be full of great content to help you expand your procurement knowledge.
June 11, 2024, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
June 12, 2024, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Day 1
7:00 am - 7:55 am Registration & Continental Breakfast
7:15 am - 7:55 am Member Orientation Breakfast
The Board of Directors would like to welcome first timers, new members or members who need a refresher of RMGPA to attend the Breakfast. Learn the benefits of RMGPA, resources available to members, how to utilize the website, meet other procurement professionals.
8:00 am - 8:30 am Welcome, Opening Remarks, RMGPA Business Meeting
Trudi Peepgrass, President RMGPA
RMGPA Board of Directors and Committees
8:30 am - 9:45 am Understanding Artificial Intelligence (AI): What, Why, and Essential Insights (Credit Hours = 1.25)
Brooke Smith, Murray City, Utah, City Recorder
Join us for an informative session where we talk about Artificial Intelligence (AI). This presentation will cover the fundamentals of AI, explaining what it is and why it has become a critical component in public procurement. You'll learn about the different types of AI, key concepts, and the importance of AI in modern-day applications. We'll also discuss the ethical considerations and potential challenges associated with AI to provide a well-rounded understanding of this transformative technology.
UPPCC Body of Knowledge:
Domain VI. Business Principles - C. Propose and employ continuous process improvements (e.g., stakeholder satisfaction, remediation, eProcurement), G. Recognize the roles and responsibilities in the procurement process
9:45 am - 10:00 am Morning Break
10:00 am - 11:30 am The Evolving Practitioner - Supplier Conversation (Credit Hours = 1.5)
NIGP Business Council
Join a panel of respected procurement practitioners and NIGP Business Council (NBC) supplier representatives for an interactive workshop on the evolution of the supplier – practitioner relationship. From ‘We No Bid’ to ‘Finding Common Ground’, we will facilitate discussions that highlight the dynamic between practitioners and suppliers, providing tools that you can use to continue these conversations within your own entity.
UPPCC Body of Knowledge:
Domain III. Sourcing and Solicitation - F. Determine sources of services and/or supplies, T. *NEW* Facilitate review of supplier samples and/or demonstrations, U. *NEW* Recognize challenges unique to regional, national, and international procurements (e.g., trade agreements, customs, tariffs, documentation), Domain IV. Contract Development and Management - 4. Contractor/supplier performance (e.g., quality control/quality assurance, KPI reporting), 5. Contractor/supplier compliance (e.g., insurance requirements, licensing requirements, prevailing wage), Domain V. Leadership - H. Provide guidance and training for internal and external stakeholders (e.g., suppliers, end users, leadership)
11:30 am - 12:30 pm Lunch
Connect with colleagues at the networking lunch! Share tips and tricks of the trade or connect with people on a personal level. In-person networking has great value! TIP: Sit with someone you don’t know.
New member recognition and first-time attendees
12:30 pm - 1:45 am Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Action: Use Cases, Live Demos, and Interactive Group Breakouts (Credit Hours = 1.25)
Brooke Smith, Murray City, Utah, City Recorder
Experience the power of Artificial Intelligence in real-world scenarios through this interactive session. We will showcase various use cases and examples of AI applications across different government roles. Attendees will witness live demonstrations of AI tools and technologies, followed by engaging group breakouts where you can discuss and brainstorm AI implementation strategies tailored to your specific needs and challenges.
UPPCC Body of Knowledge:
Domain VI. Business Principles - C. Propose and employ continuous process improvements (e.g., stakeholder satisfaction, remediation, eProcurement), G. Recognize the roles and responsibilities in the procurement process
1:45 pm - 2:00 pm Afternoon Break
2:00 pm – 4:30 pm Reverse Vendor Trade Show
This is the supplier’s opportunity to meet directly with procurement representatives from local public agencies including Cities, Counties, State Agencies and School Districts.
4:30 pm Closing Remarks - Adjourn
Trudi Peepgrass, President RMGPA
Day 2
7:30 am - 7:55 am Registration & Continental Breakfast
7:55 am - 8:00 am Welcome and Opening Remarks
Trudi Peepgrass, President RMGPA
8:00 am - 9:00 am Thinking Out Cloud: How Cloud is Changing IT & Software Procurement (Credit Hours = 1)
Danielle Hinz, Amazon
“I wish it took me a little longer to buy technology,” said no one ever. Technology has undergone massive transformation in the last decade with a profusion of purpose-built, user-centric options. Now, as public sector customers begin transforming their technology by replacing on-premise hardware with cloud and adopting software marketplaces, finance and procurement need to know how to support these this transformation. This session discusses how cloud technology and software marketplaces are transforming IT procurement in the public sector.
UPPCC Body of Knowledge:
Domain III. Sourcing and Solicitation -D. Recognize elements of specialized procurement (e.g., human services, professional services), F. Determine sources of services and/or supplies, I. *NEW* Recognize unique terminology, attributes, and risk of technology commodities and services, K. Differentiate and select terms and conditions for sourcing and contract documents, T. *NEW* Facilitate review of supplier samples and/or demonstrations
9:00am - 9:15 am Morning Break
9:15 am - 10:45 am How to do Your Part: Socially Responsible Procurement (Credit Hours = 1.5)
Kim Cullen, Bidnet
In this session we will discuss diversity programs at work and the data, tools and programs needed to meet your short and long-term goals of socially responsible procurement while exploring local and state diversity programs at work. We will learn how to rethink the contract to allow for further socially responsible procurement through sub/prime relationships and certification programs. We will have discussion on working together and using a community-based solution and how to use the power of community to your advantage in improving negotiations for future contracts.
UPPCC Body of Knowledge:
Domain I. Legal Framework: F. Recognize and apply requirements of supplier diversity programs G. Recognize and apply requirements of sustainable procurement initiatives & Domain V. Leadership: I. *NEW* Recognize the impact of socio-political factors on procurement
10:45am - 11:00 am Morning Break
11:00 am - 12:00 pm Everything I Needed to Know about Purchasing, I Learned from Being an
Umpire aka The Fear of Failure
(Credit Hours = 1)
Scott Harris, Denver Arts & Venues Administrator II, Denver Arts & Venues, City and County of Denver
After 28 years as a Fastpitch Softball Umpire, Scott’s transition into the world of Public Procurement led to a discovery of the similarities between both professions and how to apply lessons learned in softball to Purchasing.
UPPCC Body of Knowledge:
Domain II. Procurement Planning and Analysis - A. *NEW* Integrate established goals and objectives for procurement function. Assess and utilize external procurement information resources (e.g., professional network, periodicals, associations), H. Interpret the application of procurement trends (e.g., job order contracting, unavailable commodity)
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Lunch
Connect with colleagues at the networking lunch!
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Cost to Procure + Cost to Propose: Assessing the full expense of an RFP
(Credit Hours = 1.5)
NIGP Business Council
In the spirit of analyzing processes to increase contract competition, NIGP's Business Council looks at the internal costs for government and education organizations to procure and for suppliers to submit proposals to RFPs. This review provides information for a panel discussion around the effectiveness of RFPs in a variety of settings.
UPPCC Body of Knowledge:
Domain III. Sourcing and Solicitation - B. Differentiate and apply competitive solicitation methods (e.g., request for proposals, invitation for bid, qualification-based selection), C. Recognize and apply non-competitive/alternative procurement methods (e.g., emergency, single source, sole source, pilot programs, unsolicited offer), D. Recognize elements of specialized procurement (e.g., human services, professional services), E. Develop specifications and/or scope of work for solicitations, F. Determine sources of services and/or supplies
2:30 pm - 2:45 pm Afternoon Break
2:45 pm - 4:00 pm The Decider Guide: When to use Cooperative Purchasing to Add Public
Dollar Power, Presented by Sourcewell
(Credit Hours = 1.25)
Nicole Allen, Sourcewell Principal Account Executive
No one knows your job better than you. But if you knew there was a way to do it quicker (while saving money), would you want to know more? Cooperative procurement strives to help public agencies like yours become more efficient. While it is designed to simplify the process, there are steps that need to be completed when utilizing a cooperative contract. Learn how to get started with The Decider Guide - a session created to help with your cooperative purchasing strategy, maximizing the value of your spend and simplifying the process.
UPPCC Body of Knowledge
Domain III. Sourcing and Solicitation. L. Identify cooperative procurement options (e.g., lead agency, government contracts, aggregate requirements), Domain VI. Business Principles - I. *NEW* Utilize established procurement strategies and objectives
4:00 pm Closing Remarks - Adjourn
Trudi Peepgrass, President RMGPA
Accommodations Available
Courtyard Denver Aurora
255 North Blackhawk, Aurora, CO 80111
Book your group rate of $165 for RMGPA
To take advantage of the group rate, you must book before Friday, May 24, 2024.
Thank you to our Summer Conference Sponsors