TUESDAY DECEMBER 5th (5 credit hours)
7:00 am Registration & Breakfast
7:45 am – 8:00 am Welcome, Opening Remarks
David Musgrave, President RMGPA, CDOT
8:00 am – 9:00 am Adaptation: Procurement Today and in the Future
(Credit Hours = 1)
Darin Matthews, Chief Procurement Officer, Cal Poly
This session will share insights on how procurement professionals can adapt to their ever-changing environments, including the lasting impacts of a global pandemic. Trends in procurement will be discussed, such as the rapid advancement of technology, which can enhance productivity and effectiveness.
What should procurement professionals be aware of to help ensure their success, both now and in the future? Public agency case studies will be shared that can assist with client engagement, whether in person or virtual. Adapting to new environments can help procurement remain indispensable.
9:00 am - 9:15 am Break
9:15 am - 10:15 am Breakout Sessions:
Data Privacy (School Districts)
(Credit Hours = 1)
Josh Allen, Director, Apps Development & Architect, Denver Public Schools
Jennifer Collins, Deputy General Counsel, Denver Public Schools
Data privacy refers to the protection and responsible handling of personal and sensitive information collected by individuals, organizations, or governments. It involves safeguarding data from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.
Public Private Partnership (P3)
(Credit Hours = 1)
Heather MacMillan, Larimer County Purchasing Manager
P3 (Public-Private Partnership) is a collaborative approach that brings together public and private sectors to jointly undertake projects, programs, or services that traditionally fall within the realm of the public sector. P3s involve a long-term contractual relationship between the public sector (government entities) and private sector entities (companies, organizations, or consortiums) to share risks, responsibilities, and resources in delivering public infrastructure or services.
10:15 am - 10:30 am Break
10:30 am Exhibit Hall Ribbon Cutting & Advance Colorado Procurement Expo Opens - Visit Suppliers!
11:45 am - 12:45 pm RMGPA Member Appreciation & Awards Luncheon
Connect with colleagues at the networking lunch!
New member recognition and first-time attendees
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Breakout Sessions:
RFPs as Part of Procurement Excellence
(Credit Hours = 1)
Writing a Request for Proposal (RFP) can be a daunting task; however, selecting the best supplier team is one of THE most important steps in delivering successful project outcomes. This session will explain the elements that make up a “High-Performing RFP” and the importance of positioning your organization as a “Client of Choice” to attract the most qualified suppliers. We share specific tips for different project types to help you approach your next RFP with confidence and ease.
Practical Leadership Skills for Procurement Professionals
(Credit Hours = 1)
Research studies across hundreds of procurement organizations and thousands of projects has shown that the effective procurement leader is the consummate “people-centric” professional. Whether we are developing strategic objectives with our organization’s leadership, preparing the next major acquisition, forming evaluation committees, or engaging with the vendor community, leadership skills are crucial (and are often underdeveloped). Learn how to navigate the complexities of inter-personal dynamics that people bring to the table when participating in your next acquisition.
2:00 pm - 2:15 pm Break
2:15 pm - 3:15 pm Breakout Sessions:
Developing a High-Performing Statement of Work
(Credit Hours = 1)
Developing a clear Statement of Work (SOW) can be challenging. Some SOWs are vague and lack critical details; others have requirements that are overly prescriptive or limit the ability for suppliers to bring innovative ideas. The core elements of a High-Performing SOW will also be shared along with tangible examples from a variety of projects (e.g., IT/Software, Design/Construction, Facilities & Operations, Business and Professional Services, and more.)
Creating Win-Win partnerships Between Procurement & Your Internal Customers (Credit Hours = 1)
This engaging presentation will explain how procurement professionals can use best practices to enable a successful acquisition experience for all. We will provide practical steps, checklists / considerations, and soft skills needed to help clients prepare their SOWs and RFPs. We’ll address common concerns like: What does your client need (& want) to know? How can procurement add the most value when working with internal user groups? How do you navigate disagreements, either between the internal customer and/or procurement regulations? Learn how procurement can be a value creator for the great public good.
3:15 pm – 3:30 pm Break
3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Breakout Sessions:
Move your Procurement Team from Tactical to Strategic Sourcing
(Credit Hours=1)
Do you feel like you’re always busy putting out fires, reacting to the one thing in front of you, and have little time for planning? Wouldn’t it be nice to have a long-term, systematic, and holistic approach to your sourcing? This session will help you move away from short-term, transactional buying and learn to leverage data, cooperative purchasing, and successful supplier partnerships to maximize the value of your spend.
State Price Agreements
(Credit Hours = 1)
John Chapman – State Procurement Manager
Learn about the advantages of using State Price Agreements, recent (and upcoming) exciting changes, and some of other little-known benefits! State Price Agreements are cooperative contracts for commonly used goods and services that can be used by all state agencies, state institutions of higher education, local governments and political subdivisions (including school districts) and certified nonprofit entities. The categories of State Price Agreements include body armor, computers, cloud-based solutions, copiers, facilities MRO, office supplies, healthcare products, software, vehicles and more.
4:30 pm – 6:30 pm Networking Reception